When they finish their education, young people face the important question of finding work, which is still a considerable challenge for them. As data shows, in Poland the unemployment rate in the 15-24 age group is 22.8%1. On June 2, students at the University of Szczecin will be able to take part in a debate and in workshops organized by the Faculty of Management and Economics of Services of the University of Szczecin and The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation. During the events, experts and practitioners will try to answer the question of how to successfully start out on a career path.
A debate on "How to successfully enter the job market" will take place on June 2 at 10:30 at the University of Szczecin. Participants in the debate will include representatives of the university, employment office, city government, experts from Citibank Europe Plc's HR department, and business consultants, who will try to identify key issues related to finding employment. Together they will also consider whether students are prepared to start a professional career, how the education system helps them in this, and whether it is worth setting up one's own company. The moderator of the discussion will be Maciej Zdziarski, a journalist.
After the debate, students will be able to take part in skill-building workshops on "Recruiting without secrets: How to make everyone want to hire you". It will be moderated by an expert from the recruitment department of Citibank Europe Plc, who will share with students what it is that employers pay attention to when reading a CV and give hints on how to make a good impression at a job interview.
"For over a year we have been organizing workshops and debates at the largest universities in Poland which raise questions that concern every young person. Thus far, these events have attracted over 500 students who, thanks to the experts invited by us, have gained practical knowledge of how to seek employment in an effective way." says Krzysztof Kaczmar, President of The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation.
During the debate, students of the University of Szczecin will square off in the finals of "The First Million", an internet simulation created by The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation. The first step was individual in nature and lasted from May 4 to 14. The seven players who won a million zlotys in the fewest number of rounds will create two-person teams that will play in the finals for cash prizes.
Thanks to the game, the participant acquires practical skills, such as: managing one's one budget, building investment strategies, and evaluating the acceptable level of risk. Starting a virtual life, a player stands on the threshold of a professional career - he gets his first job and tries to increase his earnings. Besides finances, as in real life, he must also try to improve his standard of living, fulfill his needs, and continuously improve his qualifications. The game is available free of charge to everyone on the website www.1milion.edu.pl.
Patronage of the event has been assumed by: Metro Szczecin, Radio BAS, Radio Koszalin, Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Pomorze Zachodnie (Association of Journalists of the Republic of Poland - Western Pomerania), Telewizja Pomerania and the portal wszczecinie.pl.
1 http://odpowiedzialnybiznes.pl/publikacje/analiza-tematyczna-mlodzi-na-rynku-pracy/