A competition for students as part of the "First Million" ("Pierwszy Milion") online educational game has already started. The aim of the game is to develop good habits in managing one's personal finance. The competition is organized by The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation and Faculty of Management and Economics of Services of the University of Szczecin. Those who earn the virtual million in the smallest possible number of rounds will pass to the next stage, in which they will have a chance of winning valuable prizes.
Students willing to take part in the competition have time until 18 May. The best seven students out of those who earn the virtual million in the smallest possible number of rounds will be obliged to select one more person to form a team of two and play in the next stage of the competition on 2 June. They will compete "live" for financial prizes.
The aim of the "The First Million" game created by The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation is to teach students good practices in managing their personal finance. The task of a player is to earn virtual million by making miscellaneous investment and life decisions. Thanks to the game the player can acquire practical skills such as: managing one's personal budget, developing investment strategies as well as assessing level of acceptable risk. During the game the player impersonates one of four characters available. Starting their virtual life, they are on the brink of a professional career, start their first job and try to multiply money they have earned on their own. Apart from apt investments they also have to take care of standard of living, meeting consumption needs and continuing improvement of their qualifications. Offering a great selection of choices, the game enables to simulate real life taking into consideration such aspects as growing costs or unexpected events. The game is available at https://wzieu.gra.1milion.edu.pl
The final of the game will take place on 2 June and will be accompanied by a debate entitled "How to Successfully Enter the Labor Market". It will be attended by university representatives, experts of HR department, local entrepreneurs and business consultants, who will together try to answer the key question that troubles young people: how to successfully enter the labor market? They will also discuss whether students are prepared for a professional career, in what ways the education system helps them and if opening one's own business is worth the effort. The discussion will be moderated by Maciej Zdziarski, journalist.
Students will also have a chance to participate in competency workshops which will take place after the debate. The workshops will be conducted by experts from HR department, who will explain to the students what employer pays attention to when reading a CV, and they will also advise the students how to make a good first impression during an interview.