A popular belief that women can spend the last penny on another handbag or shoes contradicts the surveys' results. The report of The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation shows that although the majority of Poles have problems with planning and controlling their expenditures, these affect men to a much greater extent than women.
For 8 years The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation has examined knowledge and approaches towards finances of women and men in Poland. This year's edition of the survey "Poles' Attitudes Towards Saving" shows that money is the subject of conversations in two thirds of households. We can be glad that the number of those who save is systematically growing - since 2008 it has increased from 41 percent to 59 percent. However, women have different approach towards the financial domain of life as compared with men.
Women are for sure better at planning the household budget in the traditional meaning of the shoestring budget. They also more often plan expenditures within a month perspective - 37 percent of women and only 30 percent of men can manage it. Women are also much better at everyday supervision over finances - 36 percent of women admit that they control all, even the tiniest expenditures. Similar meticulousness can be shown only by 22 percent of men. It is therefore not difficult to guess that men prevail in the group of people who have absolutely no control over their expenses - every fifth man and only 13 percent of women demonstrate such an attitude.
In the context of saving, both women and men claim that it is worth saving: 69 percent and 64 percent respectively. However, the sources from which they gain knowledge about the financial market, depositing and investing their funds are diverse. To a much greater extent, men have trust in advertisements (22 percent of men as compared with 18 percent of women) and in their own intuition (12 percent of men as compared with 8 percent of women). Women, on the other hand, rely on their knowledge and opinions of friends and family - such an answer was given by 34 percent of women and only 22 percent of men.
The new family festival and related expenditures are awaiting us. Having in mind the household budget after Easter we advise men, therefore, not to forget to discuss the shopping list with their wives before visiting shopping malls.