Bank guarantee
Securing receivables
Bank guarantee
Securing receivables
Bank guarantees are recommended for:
- companies specializing in local or foreign trade
- suppliers and recipients of goods or services
Bank guarantee is used for securing various liabilities and receivables of partners in trade transactions.
Electronization of the process of issuing bank guarantees
Starting from 1 January 2019, Citi Handlowy implemented a full electronization of the process of issuing Bank Guarantees, i.e. the issuance of any type of Guarantees in an electronic form based on application for guarantee submitted electronically. The written form of guarantees is treated as an additional form to the electronic one (an extra fee is charged).
- Applications for a guarantee in electronic form can be submitted via Citi Trade Portal. For submitting an application in the written form, an extra fee is charged.
- We encourage you to use the Citi Trade Portal to submit application for guarantee with simultaneous order for a guarantee in electronic form.
- Citi Trade Portal is an electronic banking module CitiDirect, which enables filling various applications on the CTP platform and sending them to Citi Handlowy in electronic form (eApplication)
- Information on the Citi Trade Portal can be found in the "Finance Management" tab - Electronic Banking - Citi Trade Portal
- eGuarantee is an electronic delivery of a guarantee document with a qualified electronic signature
- Information on eGuarantee can be found in the eGuarantee tab.
- A full electronization of the proces of Guarantees issuance means:
- elimination of the time needed for delivering – written form of application to Citi Handlowy and of the guarantee issued on written form to addressee
- o when the revolving agreement for guarantee issuance is conducted and the guarantee wording agreed with Citi Handlowy – the time of guarantee issuancefrom time of submitting an electronic application to the delivery of the electronic guarantee will be 2 days at maximum.
- lower transaction costs – elimination of the costs connected with the delivery of written applications and the courier costs for delivery of guarantee to addressee, and costs for the issuance of Guarantees in written form.
The most important features of the product
- a bank guarantee is granted to ensure that the creditor (beneficiary) will receive a determined amount if the obligor (applicant) fails to perform his obligations
- payment is made by the bank which has issued the guarantee
- payment is made based on beneficiary’s payment demand containing the statement that the applicant has failed to perform his obligations
- certain additional documents can be attached to the payment demand (e.g. a copy of the unpaid invoice, a copy of the transport document), if they are required under the terms and conditions of the guarantee
- tender (bid) bond (replacing a cash deposit)
- performance bond (often replacing a warranty bond)
- advance payment guarantee (securing the repayment/return of an advance payment)
- payment guarantee (securing payment for delivered goods or services)
- credit re-payment guarantee (securing repayment of credit)
- customs guarantee (securing payment of customs liabilities)
- lottery guarantee (securing payment of lottery and mutual betting prizes)
- excise duty guarantee (securing payment of excise duty)
Are you interested in our offer?
Please contact your Relationship Manager. Detailed information can be also obtained from:
- The creditor (beneficiary) who has received a bank guarantee benefits:
- promise of payment by the bank-issuer of the guarantee
- effective tool for debt enforcement
- discipline imposed on the applicant to ensure properly and timely perform his obligations resulting from the contract/agreement.
- Guarantee issued by a renowned bank strengthens the credibility of the applicant and reinforce the position of the contractor
- Guarantee enables the applicant to commence or continue effective cooperation with a trade partner
- No need to freeze own cash, e.g. as cash deposit
- Higher chances to receive a prepayment from the buyer
- Possibility to obtain a credit
Additional information
Citi Handlowy may issue guarantees on terms and conditions defined on a case by case basis, subject to applicable law. We recommend our Clients who instruct issuance or who are to receive a bank guarantee being subject to regulations of the International Chamber of Commerce to read an appropriate regulation (Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (publication URDG 458 / 758) or International Standby Practices (publication ISP 98).
Before submitting a request, the Client should read the Rules and Regulations for the issuance of Bank Guarantees and Letters of Credit, which specify the standard conditions on which Citi Handlowy issues bank guarantees. The Rules and Regulations can be found in the “Applications” tab.
All requirements / conditions to receive a bank guarantee and risks connected with a given guarantee are presented to the Client at the sales stage or after receiving an application for given bank guarantee.
Below you will find requests / orders in pdf
- Rules and Regulations for the Issuance of Bank Guarantees and Letters of Credit
- Application for a bank guarantee /stand-by letter of credit
- Application for changes in the terms and conditions
- Application for transfer of the ownership of money as cash collateral to Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. ("Bank") as security for the Bank's receivables under the Article 102 of the Banking Law and as a financial collateral pursuant to the Act on certain financial collaterals
- Execution statement to the Application for product
- Execution statement to the Application for changes
- Applicant’s power of attorney
- Rules and Regulations for the Issuance of Bank Guarantees and Letters of Credit
- Application for a bank guarantee /stand-by letter of credit
- Application for changes in the terms and conditions
- Application for transfer of the ownership of money as cash collateral to Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. ("Bank") as security for the Bank's receivables under the Article 102 of the Banking Law and as a financial collateral pursuant to the Act on certain financial collaterals and Amendment to application for transfer of money for the ownership of the Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. ("Bank") in order to secure the Bank's receivables
- Execution statement to the Application for product
- Execution statement to the Application for changes