Aleksander Gieysztor Award is issued annually for outstanding achievements in the protection of Polish cultural heritage, in particular for museum and conservation activities and collecting items of Polish cultural heritage. The 50,000 zł award is generally considered to be the most prestigious token of recognition in this area.
This award is aimed at promotion and support of those who undertake activities to protect Polish cultural heritage both in Poland and abroad.
Nominations for Gieysztor Award are submitted to the Award Committee by past winners and representatives of cultural institutions - representing the state, self-government or NGO sectors.
Nominations are submitted by members of the Award Committee, winners of the Award, cultural institutions from state, self-government or NGO sectors.
The winner is selected by Gieysztor Award Committee chaired by Prof. Andrzej Rottermund and composed of Council and Board Members of The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation and five Award Winners.