"Roots" is a program dedicated to the life and achievements of Leopold Kronenberg and his successors.
The program was designed to return Leopold Kronenberg to public memory, with his and his successors' contribution and the history of Bank Handlowy in Warsaw.
In 1998 the Foundation financed the publication of a richly illustrated catalogue entitled The Kronenbergs. Family Memorabilia (Kronenbergowie. Pamiątki rodzinne), accompanying an exhibition in the Historical Museum of Warsaw, devoted to the family's role in forwarding the cultural and civilization growth of the country.
In the same year the The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation produced a biographic documentary on Leopold Kronenberg Labor Means Work (Labor znaczy praca). A CD History of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie (Historia Banku Handlowego w Warszawie S.A.) followed in 2000, and in 2010 the LKF issued an album The Kronenbergs' Heritage (Dziedzictwo Kronenbergów) presenting the foundation against the history and achievements of Bank Handlowy and the Kronenberg family.
In 2011, the program consisted of two projects:
First issue of the complete biography of Leopold Kronenberg was prepared and published The book titled: "Kronenberg. History of the Fortune" was published in December 2011 by PWN (Polish Scientific Publishers).
The second project consists of extensive search for documents and mementos from the history of Bank Handlowy, conducted in archives, museums, libraries and other institutions (including Historical Institute of Deutsche Bank).
Also specifications for a computer application for managing collected documents were developed in 2011. The idea behind both the search and the software application is to open a digital archive of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie, later to be transformed into the Bank Handlowy Historical Institute - the first institution of this kind in Poland.